All dangerous mixtures must be equipped with a UFI code and notified to the Poisons Center (PCN). Check our PCN/UFI services.

REACH requires all manufacturers or importers who manufacture or import a chemical in quantities of one tonne or more per year to register their substances.

V okviru avtorizacijskega postopka družine biocidnih proizvodov je potrebno predati tudi oceno endokrinih lastnosti snovi v družini biocidnih proizvodov skladno z znanstvenimi merili za ugotavljanje lastnosti endokrinih motilcev.

Each biocidal product requires a permit before it is supplied to the customer.

V okviru avtorizacijskega postopka družine biocidnih proizvodov je potrebno predati tudi oceno endokrinih lastnosti snovi v družini biocidnih proizvodov skladno z znanstvenimi merili za ugotavljanje lastnosti endokrinih motilcev.

As part of the authorization procedure for biocidal substances and products and plant protection products, an assessment of the endocrine properties of the substances in the product must be prepared.

Before placing a cosmetic product on the market, a manufacturer or importer must prepare a product information file (PIF) of the cosmetic product and notify it in the Cosmetic Products Notification Portal (CPNP).