ECHA has adopted new guidelines for determining the effectiveness of biocidal products

Nove smernice za določanje učinkovitosti biocidnih proizvodov  - EU BPR Efficacy Guidance Parts B+C

A few days ago, the European Chemicals Agency adopted new guidelines for determining the effectiveness of biocidal products – EU BPR Efficacy Guidance Parts B+C.

The guidelines are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of biocidal products in the authorization process. However, the requirements defined in the document are also used by the Competent authorities for the registration process in transitional period.

The chapters relating to the disinfection of surfaces (PT2), veterinary area (PT3) and surfaces in the food industry (PT4) have been updated:

  • distinguishing between different virucidal effects
  • tests for specific applications have been added
  • the requirements for demonstrating the effectiveness of aerosol disinfection have been changed.
  • the requirements for proving the effectiveness of air conditioning disinfection have been changed.
  • the laundry disinfection requirements have been updated

The chapters relating to the disinfection of drinking water (PT5) with chlorine-based disinfectants have also been updated.

If you need help with the notification or authorization of biocidal products, please contact us. Our experts will guide you through the process.